Monday 24 August 2015


The new look for this summer seems to be the “Bronde” look; half brunette, half blonde. Which for someone like myself who has dark features would be perfect as it would combine the two. I have always wanted to go blonde but was afraid of it not suiting me and the price each month to have my roots maintained put me off.
I thought this would be a good idea as I was bored of my hair and seeing as bronde is a compromise between dark and light I decided to go with it. Then,  if I liked the results I could always go to the hairdressers and get it maintained or even take the plunge and go blonde!

I read the instructions and started to do my hair section by section combing the brush through where I wanted the new colour to go, which wasn’t easy as I had to make sure that enough product was evenly spread from top to tip. I left it for 45 minutes as stated by the leaflet. I washed a small section to see if the colour had taken, it hadn’t! I went over all of the sections again and gave it another 45 minutes. 

After washing all the product out hoping to see results I pulled the towel away expecting glorious streaks of honey blonde shining through my dark hair there was…. NOTHING! No change at all! This product in my opinion for anyone with dark hair is a total waste of money and time, if you want highlights, Ombre or “Bronde” hair go straight to the hairdressers.