Thursday 6 July 2017


For as long as I can remember I've always bitten my nails. I have tried every solution, cream and treatment going but nothing seems to work for me.  I was paying around £40 for a set at the salon, which would last me around 3 weeks. It was draining my bank account, appointments were hard to get hold of and I hated the health of my nails after they were removed. 

Being on a tight budget, but not wanting to stop looking and feeling good I thought I would try the Kiss 100 false nail set. These are not as long-lasting as an acrylic set, but when I'm in need of a short-term fix, need to make an impact or can't afford to go pro, these are my saviour!

I always gravitate towards nude because it works with any outfit and looks classy and chic. Below is how I achieve the salon look, but for less.


Thursday 22 June 2017


I recently came back from a trip away to Valencia, and for the week that I was there it was non-stop. I went out with my family but joined my two friends on the last three days of my trip. (one lives out there, the other came out for his birthday)

Below are some of the places that I visited and highly recommend.

1. Ciutat Vella (old town)

This is where the main restaurants, shops, boutiques and cafes were. We went out in the old town most nights as it was a short walk from where I was staying, and it has the most choices when it comes to authentic Spanish food.

Throughout the week we ate a lot and by a lot, I mean...A LOT of tapas. My favourite dish was the Patatas Bravas, they are little fried potato gems of lusciousness smothered in a spicy tomato sauce, and believe me, they taste as good as they sound! (hence the half a stone weight gain when I returned). 

2. Plaza de la Reina/Plaza de la Virgin

One of the first places that my friends and I explored. We had some lunch down a small backstreet café and then when to the Cathedral, which was hands down my favourite tourist attraction. It was  amazing....Although, my friend decided to leave out that it would be a climb of 207 stairs in order to get to see the view!

The narrow staircase was horrid, it was one staircase for up and down. But it was worth it when we got to the top and saw the view over the city.

During the day we mainly came to the centre to look around. They don't have many clothes chain stores like we do in the UK, but they had Mango and Zara and loads of boutique and independent style shops - which only a pigeon can shop in as there sizing is ridiculous! One of my favourite shops I found during my visit was called Ale-Hop (pronounced alley hop) which sold clothes, notepads, jewellery and novelty gifts. I spent a fair few pennies in here!

At night we spent most of our time in bars and restaurants and found some nice places to eat and drink around Plaza de la Virgin and Reina. They were very lively and everything stayed open till early hours of the morning (even the bakery guy). We took a lot of pictures here because, as any selfie lovers will know lighting is key, and the lighting was 'on point' here.

3. Petit Bistro Terrace

This is a rooftop terrace bar that we spent our final night in. It has a relaxed and chilled atmosphere with sofas, bistro tables, fairy lights and soft music. The bar staff are really prompt with the service and the prices aren't anymore expensive than any other bars in the area.

4. Oceanographic Centre - Ciutat de les Arts i de les Ciències

This is Europe's biggest aquarium, which has over 45,000 different marine species. I never imagined it to be so interesting as it was, as I've been to other aquariums, which have the standard marine life in them. The marine park is set up to mimic the different seas around the world (Mediterranean, the polar seas and tropical seas.)

The aquarium is home to fish, turtles, jellyfish, seals, sharks, rays, starfish, penguins, dolphins, seahorses, beluga whales, crocodiles and many more.

My favourite part was the underwater glass tunnel that's filled with tropical fish, rays and sharks. The tunnel links one area of the aquarium to another and allows you to see the rays and sharks swimming around.

5. BioParc

I am not a fan of zoos so this was one of my least favourite tourist attractions that I visited. I don't like the amount of space that the animals had to live in. This zoo was much bigger and the animals had more room to roam around.

Throughout the day we saw Leopards, lemurs, hyenas, lions, giraffes, gorillas, rhinoceroses, hippopotamuses, porcupines, ostriches, meerkats and elephants, which were my favourite as I got to see them up close and personal as it was their feeding time.

However, from my visit it hasn't made me re-think my dislike towards zoos.  I think the only way these animals should be seen is in their natural habitats or on open safaris. 

Thursday 6 April 2017


I went shopping a couple of weeks ago because I had my friends birthday and nothing to wear. (Lies, I had a full wardrobe, just didn't fancy wearing any of it!)

I didn't have the intentions of spending as much as I did, but things caught my eye and ended up in my basket. So, I thought I would review some products that I am loving and loathing at the moment.

I bought this smokey eye-shadow palette a couple of weeks back and forgot to review it. I love walking around Boots - smelling all the perfumes, taking testers, talking to the NYX lady about new products and she introduced me to this palette.

I like all of the colours, which for me is normally the deal-breaker as there are always three or four that I don't use. (I'm sorry but who wants to wear yellow eyeshadow?)

They are really pigmented which means that you get fall out, but that's normal. The only downside to this product is that mine doesn't look this neat anymore. *sigh*
 Yes To 
If you read my blog regularly you will be aware of the recent post I wrote about parabens and chemicals used in our cosmetics..... No? click here

Since then, I have tried to make a few changes where I can to reduce all that yuckiness from my beauty routine.

This shampoo and conditioner smells clean, spa like and fresh - Although it does make me lust after a tuna sandwich when I use it. (don't even ask)

However, I thought this was going to be a new favourite and a full-time beauty product that I would use on the regs. Unfortunately, this makes my hair look limp and greasy before I've even blow dried it. I wouldn't recommend, so I'm back on the head and shoulders whilst I search for a new product.


This was my lucky day, there they were, on the top shelf, the last pair staring at me.

I saw another girl eyeing them up too and took my chance, (playing dumb that she was interested in them.) I swooped on in, grabbed them off the top shelf (no tippy toes needed) and headed towards the checkout.

I didn't turn back to see her reaction, but I bet it involved a few fingers thrown my way!

I wore these in London as we were off out and we all know how pretentious London clubs are!

Most people probably love wearing heels when they are out but I'm 5"11 so I tower above most of my friends (including the guys) and they hurt my feet and make me grumpy. These however were the perfect shoe that allowed me to 'blend in' as they aren't too high.
I wore mine with a Bardot top and skirt and got compliments on my outfit and the shoes, instead of my height, which does my head in!

I would recommend them to people that commute to work, are tall like me or want to go from desk to date. The only downside is that mine came up a tad big for me, but the size smaller was too tight - which is an occurring problemo for me in Primark - and not just in shoes either.

Does anyone else have that issue too??


Warm weather + closed shoes = NIGHTMARE! My feet get sweaty and make me feel gross all day. So, when I came across these little beauties I was so excited to try them out, and, they work!

They are short enough that you cannot see them when you're wearing pumps or shoes where socks will ruin the outfit.

The only downside to these is that they are ugly as hell. The model on the packaging makes them look so much more fashionable than what they really look like - I look like one of those crime scene investigators when they wear those blue shoe covers!

 This large brush is a great tool for making sure that all your foundation is blended in, without the look of wearing any. It cost £4 and is my favourite new buy.

The brush is quite heavy to hold compared to other ones, but I think that's due to the amount of bristles on the head of the brush, I would recommend as they are dirt cheap, leave no stroke lines and make your foundation base look flawless.

Thursday 9 March 2017


I saw this marble case on social media and really liked it, but it was when I was watching an episode of Celebs Go Dating (yes, I do watch that show) that I knew it had to be my next blog post.

I went to my local B&Q and spent a while deciding on which covering to go for. There are so many colours, textures and styles to choose from, but I decided to go with this one as it looked the most stylish and 'marble-like'.

You Will Need:
  • Patterned Sticky-back plastic
  • Laptop (obviously)
  • Scissors
  • Pen

1. Unroll the plastic so that there is enough for an even perimeter and place the laptop face down onto it.


2. Then take your pen an sketch around it to give you guidelines of where to cut.

3. Take the laptop off and cut round the template

4. Next, lay it onto the laptop front and make sure that the template matches and fits the laptop.

5. Peel off the sticky-back and start to lay it onto the laptop carefully, using a credit card (or a plastic bendy fish slice, like I did) push the air out of it as you place the sheet down.

Wednesday 1 March 2017


After seeing on Instagram the Maison De Fleur flower boxes and falling in love with them, the idea hit me to do another DIY dupe.

I already had a vision of what I wanted my completed DIY to look like, which saved me a lot of time and money. I would advise doing this too as it will help you to stay motivated when completing the project.

The pricest thing I purchased was the flowers, which cost around £10 for the roses and £4 for the foliage. Granted, the flowers are a little on the pricey side, but they need to look real, so I had to spend a little more than I had first hoped. :(

I chose mine to be all one colour as it matches my room scheme, but you could do a mix of colours, create an ombre effect or even spell out names and initials.

This is super easy, has only 5 steps and would make a great birthday, wedding or Mother's day gift!

Make it your own and be creative!

Things you will need to recreate this:
  • Fake roses- Must be good quality
  • A box
  • Dry flower oasis
  • Superglue
  • Wire cutters
  • Ribbon
  • Spray paint
  • Green foliage - optional

Step 1:

Take the box and work out where your oasis will fit, this must fit securely in the box so that the roses have something to support them.

Step 2:

Take the oasis back out and spray paint the box making sure you're a good distance away. Leave to dry overnight.

Step 3:

After the box has dried put the oasis back in and cut the flowers down to the length you need.

I suggest cutting one first and using it as a test to make sure that the rose sits correctly before chopping them all down. The rose head should be level with the side of the box.

Step 4:

Once you've trimmed the roses start from the outside edges and work in a spiral motion until you reach the middle.

Step 5:

Cut the ribbon and tie in a knot around the box. I added in some green foliage to contrast against the roses, but you could leave this out.

Friday 24 February 2017


1. Everyone is struggling for money

2. Don't fear others reactions.
Don't be that person that sits in the nursing home at 90 wishing you had done something.

3. Everything happens for a reason.
It may seem shit at the time but there's a reason you didn't get that job, no longer speak to a friend or that chocolate cake has gone stale.

4. Get rid of those people that lie about everythinggggggggggg.
I cant be the only one who has had a friend that lies about pointless stuff and makes out that they're better than you. I mean sureeeee you bought yourself a brand new, 66 plate range rover in matte black with spinners... at 20.

5. You can be friends with someone who is the total opposite of you.
You can be friends with people that don't have the same beliefs, backgrounds or fashion choices.

6. Everyone comes into your life for a reason.
Some stay, some don't.

7. Dating players will never end well.
Those guys who have Tinder profiles, give you the 'were just friends' crap or comment on girls Instagram pics will never be the committing type.

8. Popularity at school means nothing when you leave.

9. Chivalry is still alive.
There are still some guys that treat a girl right, you just have to find him.

10.  Kylie's Lipkits are overrated
But I'm all about those highlighters

11. Parents are annoying. That's their job!
Is it just my parents that give the 21 questions after a night out?
Who did you go out with?
Where did you go?
How much did you drink?
What time did you get home?
Who's the guy on the right in the blue jacket in your profile pic?

12. You will reminisce about your university days

13. Mums know best
When you're set on that Audi A1 that you've fallen in love with, but she convinces you to go for a lower grade car, trust me...she knows!

14 We all say things we regret!

15. 3 day benders will be a thing of the past
I swear, I woke up on my 22nd birthday with the worst hangover and I knew my partying days were over.

 16. Always trust your intuition
If something doesn't feel right then it's probably not!

17. Stay focused
Don't let anyone steer you away from your end goal.

18. Social media is fake
We all know those people that like to make you think they lead the life of Kim Kardashian, yet shop in Primark.

19. I can't control my expressions
 If I don't like something my face will tell you before I do.

20.  Nightclubs are no longer fun
Girls crying in the toilets over some guy, getting a stiletto in your foot because Jenny has gone wild on had 4 Smirnoff Ice, or guys picking fights because a random looked at his 'bird'.  I'm so over it.

21. You can never have enough shoes
Heels, flats, boots, sandals.. buy them!

22. You have to start from the bottom to get to the top
Work placements, internships, low salaries, no salaries it's all experience to get where you want to be.

23. Every girl dreams of owning a walk in wardrobe
Ever since seeing Sex and the City I've wanted one (preferably with a pair of blue Manolo's in it too).

Saturday 11 February 2017


For all you lucky people who will get roses this Valentine's day, I have a DIY makeup refresher for you to try when your roses begin to wilt and die.

The spritz contains green tea and aloe vera gel, which helps to hydrate and keep your skin dewy and fresh throughout the day. I added cloves into my recipe, but if you don't like this warm undertone you can just use rose.

A great tip is to keep this in your handbag so you can use it throughout the day when your makeup and skin needs a lift.
To make this you will need:
  • Rose water
  • Roses
  • Aloe vera gel
  • Green tea bags
  • 300ml boiled water
  • Drop of red food colouring
  • Measuring Jug
  • Spray bottles

Pull the petals off of the stem and add them into the saucepan, add the water, cloves and simmer. Then once the roses have wilted and turned mushy pour the liquid into the measuring jug.

Next add the aloe vera, rose water, food colouring and green tea bags to the solution for 5 mins.
After the tea has steeped take out the tea bags and leave to cool for a couple of hours. Then pour into your spray bottles, this will last around 2 weeks.

So ladies, if you want to try this easy DIY out, you know what to ask for this Valentine's!!!

Thursday 2 February 2017


I first discovered the importance of knowing what I was using on and in my body, after my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer last year.

After researching different chemicals that are used in products, I decided I would use as many chemical-free alternatives as I could. I believe it's important to know what you're putting on your body as well as what goes into it, as the outside eventually ends up on the inside! 


These are chemicals used in cosmetics to prevent bacteria from reproducing and to extend the shelf life of the product. Parabens are used in everyday products such as deodorants, foundations and moisturisers which are under investigation due to the link between parabens and breast cancer.
Cancer Research has reviewed the evidence and said that, "Parabens can encourage human breast cells to behave like breast cancer cells, by moving about and invading tissue, avoiding cell death, and suppressing the work of a drug commonly used to treat breast cancer."

This was an easy transition to make as Holland and Barratt offer paraben, alcohol and SLS free deodorants and other beauty products in their Dr.Organic range. There are many brands and cosmetic companies that have started releasing paraben-free ranges to help with this health worry.

Fragrance and Perfume

Perfumes are put in everything from face creams to feminine hygiene products to give it that iconic brand smell. Not only is it a powerful marketing and sales technique, but it is also used to disguise the actual smell of the product in its raw chemical state.
Yes To is a range that I buy as it is cheap, natural and sells perfume free products (and they smell amazing). They are available online, in supermarkets and health stores in the UK.


Sodium Laurel Sulphate or Sodium Laureate Sulphate as its referred to, has been a common chemical added into cosmetics to produce the foaming action that we see in shampoos, toothpaste and other cleaning products since the 1930's (It's even in baby shampoo).
On average more than 200 chemicals are used on a woman's skin everyday and more than 60% of these chemicals get absorbed into the bloodstream.
After learning that the synthetic chemical is used in industrial cleaners, I changed my hair care routine immediately. I now wash my hair with baking soda and water and then 'condition' with a vinegar rinse. However, if you wanted to buy SLS free shampoos, here are some available on the high street.

Ors Olive Oil Shampoo 

Yes To Cucumber Shampoo 

Body Shop Rainforest Shampoo 

Palmers Manuka Honey Leave-in Conditioner

Noughty Take Carer Scalp Soothing Shampoo 

Natural Products I've Added Into My Beauty Routine

Coconut Oil:

I recommend the 100% virgin coconut oil to make sure that it is totally natural. It is also good to cook with and has many health benefits.

I've added coconut oil to my hair care routine by running this through the ends of my hair to help combat split ends. I also use this as a lip balm and moisturiser too.

Lemon Juice:

This natural juice is rich in vitamin C and citric acid which helps to keep skin bright and clear and break down sebum. It is especially good for fighting blackheads and breakouts by applying directly to them. I also use it after I have washed my hair as a hair rinse to keep it shiny and looking healthy.

You could also add this with a chunk of ginger and whizz it up in a blender to make a flu fighting vitamin C boost, or as a detoxing morning drink and mix with apple cider vinegar.

Aloe Vera Gel:

  This is one of the best natural products for skin and hair care because of it soothing and cooling properties.

I use this a lot when I have breakouts as this helps with the redness of spots and blemishes. I also apply it after I have shaved to moisturise and soothe my legs.

If you want to see what chemicals are hiding in your favourite daily products, below are some terms to look out for:

· Methylparaben

· Ethylparaben

· Propylparaben

· Butylparaben

· Isobutylparaben


Sunday 29 January 2017


Since new year I have been trying to eat healthier staying away from refined carbs, sugars and saturated fats.
After Christmas, I started to use My Fitness Pal. This app acts as a food diary and records all your calories and macros for you, so you can keep an eye on what you're eating. It has a facility that allows you to record recipes, which is really helpful to refer back too.

Below is a list of lunches that I make regularly as they are tasty and easy to make. I hope that you enjoy these recipes and try them out next time you're looking for something low calorie and doesn't taste like cardboard!
1. Turkey and Spicy Bulgar Wheat Salad - 231 calories
To make this you will need:
100g Turkey Breast
15g Red Onion
100g Tomato
30g Iceberg Lettuce
72g Bulgar Wheat (cooked)
5 Black Olives
Salt and Pepper
Lemon Juice
1 tsp Smoked Paprika
Firstly slice up the turkey breast into medium chunks, then season and add a small drop of oil into the pan. Turn the meat as it cooks to get an even colour each side.
As the turkey is cooking prepare the bulgar wheat. I weighed out 100g of bulgar (dry) so that I had enough left for another meal too. I then covered the bulgar wheat in water and microwaved this for 10 minutes at a medium heat.
When the bulgar wheat is cooked, empty it into a sieve running cold water into it. Then set aside to drain.
Cut up all the other ingredients. Leave the lettuce to one side and put the rest into a mixing bowl. 
Add the cold bulgar to the chopped salad vegetables, mix and season with lemon juice, paprika and salt and pepper.
Lay the lettuce on the plate first, empty the bulgar wheat on top and finish with the turkey. Sprinkle the coriander on top for garnish and a fresh taste.
2. Tuna Nicoise - 173 calories
You will need:
1 Boiled Egg (medium)
40g Drained Tuna (in brine)
46g Iceberg lettuce
80g Tomato
1 Spring Onion
1/2 tbsp. Bramwell Cesear Sauce 
Boil the egg in a pan for 15 minutes (less if you like them runny.)
Chop up the lettuce, tomato and onion and put into a bowl.
Drain the tuna and add to the salad vegetables, season to taste and add the creamy sauce.
3. Bacon and Lentil Soup - 152 per serving (serves 2)
You will need:
100g Carrots
1 Knorr vegetable stock cube
20g Red Split Lentils
70g Smoked Streaky Bacon
50g Bell Pepper
Hand blender
Salt and Pepper
Chop all the ingredients up and add into the saucepan, cooking until softened.
Add the lentils, stock cube and boiling water into the pan. Mix thoroughly and leave to boil at a reduced heat.
When the lentils have increased in size and the soup is thick, blitz the soup.
4. Scrambled Eggs on Rye Bread with Beans. -280 calories
You will need:
80g Baked Beans - reduced sugar and salt
1 slice of Biona Rye Bread
1 Medium Egg
0.5 tsp Rapeseed oil 
Salt and Pepper
Mixed Herbs
Put the slice of rye bread into the toaster on a fairly high heat so that it goes crispy.  
Weigh out your baked beans and heat them in the microwave.
Crack the egg in a bowl and whip it with a folk adding mixed herbs and salt and pepper to taste. Add them into a hot pan and mix to resemble scrambled eggs.
5. No mayo - Chicken, Avocado, Bacon and Tomato Sandwich- 396 calories
You will need:
41g Avocado
100g Chicken Breast
46g Baguette
1 Medium Tomato
16g Bacon Rashers
Lemon Juice
Salt and Pepper

Firstly put the bacon into the pan, don't add any oil as the bacon will release fat. Then remove from the pan once it is crispy. Add the chicken slices and cook until golden brown.
Whilst the chicken is cooking cut the tomato into slices, mash the avocado and season with lemon juice and salt and pepper. Lay this on the bottom of the baguette. (you can toast the baguette if you want some crunch)
Now that everything is prepared and cooked, construct your baguette! 

Wednesday 18 January 2017


 Every year I try to make New Year resolutions and by the 3rd January I've broken just about all of them. So, this year, I thought about what I really wanted to change, add or develop in 2017. I've kept my list short and realistic so that hopefully, I will be more motivated to achieve them!
Become Healthier

I want to become healthier as a whole. Make healthier choices, eat more fish, drink more water, take more exercise - that kind of thing!

Visit Uni Friends
There are some people that I haven't seen since the day I left uni, which is really bad! This year I'm determined too make it happen.

Go to Valencia
My friend recently moved to Valencia to be a teacher and has invited me and my friends out there in the summer (free holiday, yes please!) I cant wait. I LOVE Spanish food (and the men).
Read More
I don't read AT ALL, which is really bad especially for someone that writes for a living. I've tried all genres and nothing seems to grab my attention. My goal is to read at least 5 books this year. (See what I mean about keeping these resolutions realistic).

Work on My Blog
This one is very high on my list, at the end of last year I started to properly spend time blogging. Finding content to post, and taking time to post can be hard, but I am really focused on this one. 

 Learn a New Skill
It's important to keep developing your mind and skills. So this year I want to take a course, I'm not sure which yet but I think it'll be computer-based.  
Move to London
After living here throughout my degree, I want to move back. However, due to rail strikes and the price of living being ridiculously high it may take longer to complete this one.